WWW Musician Wikia

Welcome to the WWW Musician Wikia! The purpose of this wiki is to collect all the information and tips on how to create a independent music career on the Internet.

  • The blue links refers to existing pages.
  • The red links refers to pages that doesn't exist yet, but will probably be created in the future.

Distribution, marketing & promotion[]

Upload your music[]

Bandcamp - iTunes - Soundcloud - Spotify - Youtube - Uploading music tips

Social media[]

Facebook - Instagram - Snapchat - tumblr - Twitter - Vine - Social media tips


Release an album - Release a single

Marketing & promotion[]

Mailing list - Website - Build a fanbase - Marketing & promotion tips

You as an artist[]

Your image - Your story - Your USP

 Creating music[]

The creative process[]

Writing lyrics - Writing music


Programming music - Recording bass - Recording drums - Recording guitars - Recording vocals

Mixing & mastering[]

Mixing - Mastering

Effects & settings[]

Compression - EQ - Highpass-filter - Limiter


Basses - Computers - Guitars - Headphones - Microphones - MIDI Keyboards - Soundcards - Speakers



Useful links[]

Forums - Independent musician blogs - Music blogs - Music uploading sites - Social media platforms
